If all the high fructose corn syrup on the planet were to disappear tomorrow, you wouldn't find me shedding a tear. Thanks to government subsidies and a glut of cheap corn, HFCS is produced in massive quantities. As a result, our food supply has been flooded with cheap, empty calories and we're fatter and sicker as a result. But I was disappointed by the latest research on HFCS and the way it's being reported.
It's the quantity not the quality we should be worrying about
Research is research. But in the real world, I think we've got our priorities backward. Let's first focus on reducing the outrageous quantity of sugar being consumed, and then worry about the quality. I've said this before (to howls of protest) but I'll say it again: If you were to reduce your intake of sugar to the levels recommended by the AHA or WHO, I haven't seen one shred of evidence to suggest that ingesting HFCS (or sucrose) at those levels would lead to obesity or disease.
Read the full article HERE.
Picture credit: Tina Manthorpe
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